Well that question has a few different answers depending on whose shoes you’re standing in. Here’s the triangle. If you are the customer you know you are right. The customers mind has formed a perception of what the service and or product should be like prior to even receiving it. The service or product may be spot on or maybe it wasn’t. Bottom line the customer already had a perception of that service or product they were to receive, and if it doesn’t meet their perception, well unhappy customer. So now we go to the small business owner that provided that service or manufactured that product being consumed. They may or may not believe the customer is right. It doesn’t really matter what they think, but they better act as if the customer is right and take action to make the customer happy again. For the small businesses these actions are as much a part of their business plans as the logistic of how they provide a service or manufacture a product. The small business owner wants return customers, customer referrals and good google reviews. Plus if the issue was legitimate they want to prevent future mishaps. Now we get to the forgotten part of this triangle, the worker who provided the service or produced the product. I won’t give the uncensored version of their thoughts on this subject, however here is the clean version. They are thinking that they provided that service or produced that product 100% by SOP and would like to defend their own honor and that of their company. Most people are competitive by nature and don’t want to fail and this usually translate to their work environment as well. Plus we are usually inherently loyal to our employers.

So customers you should know this, the small businesses want your complete satisfaction. Whether it is a service or a product you purchased that you’re unhappy with give that business a chance to correct it. Know small businesses are working hard each day to earn and keep loyal customers and employees. And the majority of workers strive to give or produce the best product available in the marketplace they produce for.

Well I didn’t solve any world problems this time, but please support your small businesses and stay safe.